#NATO3 Trial is Approaching – UPDATES

Free the NATO 3

Today was the first day of jury selection for the NATO 3 trial. Opening statements for the trial are expected to begin on Tuesday, January 21st.

The prosecution also dropped two “unlawful use of weapons” charges this morning. The defendants will now face a total of nine counts at trial instead of eleven.

We will post daily updates as the trial gets underway. In the meantime, you can help by donating to the NATO 3 defense fund.

Send the NATO 3 a card or note today to let them know we stand in solidarity as they fight these charges:

Brent Betterly
PO Box 089002
Chicago IL 60608

Brian Church
PO Box 089002
Chicago IL 60608

Jared Chase
PO Box 089002
Chicago IL 60608

[NOTE: Two defendants in separate but related cases accepted non-cooperating plea agreements which allowed them to be released before their trials would have even started. The remaining three defendants face more serious charges and are proceeding to trial after being held in Cook County Jail for the past 20 months.]

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